التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي



    My amazing journey with Digital marketing and Udacity   My name is Khaled Mahmoud Omran , I’m 29 years old ,married and I have one kid a boy with two years old .n year 2006 , I joined the Technical education high school , department of refrigeration and air conditioning and after finalizing my high school study , I joined the industrial technical institute also department of refrigeration and air conditioning . I started to search for a governmental job to have a safe and stable job, but it was so difficult as I searched in everywhere but unfortunately didn’t find the opportunity. After that I started my own work as a freelancer for air conditioning services. But unfortunately after COVID-19 everything stopped and I didn’t have a way to have an income. I wanted to find a new way skills to brand myself and market well for my career. I asked myself how I could save money to learn such skills of digital marketing and where I could find time and place to learn that course? Then when I’

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لماذه قررت الانضمام للمبادره

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معلومات للحفاظ على تكييفك

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نصيحه رقم 3

نصيحه رقم 2

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